Start believing in you

What change are you resisting? what change are you afraid of? What change do you want to see happen? what change are you ready to create?

I don’t believe there is a “right time” for change, you do it when you are ready; you do it when YOU decide it is time.

You don’t need to know exactly where you are going, you don’t need to know how you are going to get there. What you do need though, is to decide it is time.

You make the first step and the rest will unfold. You can believe it’s impossible, or you can believe it can work, the choice is yours.

is it for me?

This challenge is for you, if like me you want to feel truly alive, if you keep dreaming big no matter what life brings you. If you want to find peace and your unique path toward happiness and fulfillment - this path is different for all of us.

Every conscious transition starts with knowing what you want right now. Are you still dreaming the right dreams? Are you dreaming at all? Do you know yourself today, or maybe you lost track overwhelmed by the business of daily life?

Most of us don’t make enough time or don’t have the right support and space to reflect on what is really present for us, but how can you ever feel like you’ve arrived, if you don’t know where you were going in the first place?

Every conscious change starts with more self-awareness and clarity. This is what this challenge is about - a container, a gift of time and presence to yourself so 2024 can feel like YOUR YEAR.

How does it work?

  • 5 emails over 5 consecutive days which will take you on a journey of reflection and self-discovery

  • You will receive a daily guidance from me, with audio recordings and worksheets so you can explore at your own pace

  • at the end I will get my special meditation, which you can use as your anchor and support going forward